
Friday, October 06, 2006

Seven habits of a highly successful diet

  1. Be a good example. Watch what you yourself reach for instinctively, like, when you're stressed.
  2. Eat in more often. Cooking your own meals means you can control the oil and fat content.
  3. Go outside more. Run together. Shoot a few hoops. Or, just take walks around the estate.
  4. Think wholesome. Stock up on, say, wholemeal crackers instead of creamed crackers for snacks. Or fruit juice instead of sugared water.
  5. Curb junk food. Limit the number of times you dine out at fast food joints or order in these "convenience" meals.
  6. Limit high-sugar foods. Don't ban things like chips and candy altogether - or she'll feel deprived. But limit them as "once-in-awhile" foods.
  7. Reward right. Don't offer high-energy foods, like candy bars, as reward. Give fruit instead.

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